
Clothes play an important role in our daily lives. They protect us from the strong wind in cold winter and keep us from the high heat in hot summer. They can even make men handsome and women beautiful. They also tell people from different fields. For example, we can tell a soldier form a policeman only by the uniforms they are wearing.Clothes can show many things about a person. They can stand for a person’s social status(地位), his likes and dislikes, his hopes, dreams and so on. A quiet person, for example, might like to wear dark clothes. An easy-going person, on the other hand, mig2014年,世界羽联汤姆斯杯在印度首都新德里进行,决赛的比赛规则是:五场三胜制,第一、三、五场安排单打,第二、四场安排双打,每场比赛无平局.甲队在决赛中遇到乙队,已知每场单打比赛甲队赢的概率都为23,每场双打比赛甲队赢的概率都为12.(Ⅰ)求甲队最终以3:0获胜的概率;(Ⅱ)已知甲队首场失利,求甲队最终获胜的概率.
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