
Isabel Allende doesn’t take anything for granted. The celebrated author grew up moving from place to place as the child of a diplomat; as an adult, she was forced out of her native Chile by political upheaval (动乱). Recently, Allende was honored by the National Book Foundation for her distinguished contribution to American letters—the first such award given to a Spanish-language writer.Allende’s story is typically American: She came to the U.S. for a new start after living for more than a decade for political shelter in Venezuela. By that time, Allende had already gained international某学生用滴定的方法测定含有少量NaCl的小苏打固体中NaHCO3的质量分数,所用标准盐酸的浓度为0.1000mol/L。关于该实验的叙述正确的是 A.用烧杯准确配制100mL待测小苏打的溶液            B.用酚酞为指示剂 C.当滴至待测液变色并能将该颜色保持半分钟即为滴定终点 D.盛盐酸的滴定管未润洗会造成实验结果偏低
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