
As years went by, I realized that one of the biggest problems of adults was worry. A large majority of my students were businessmen, executives, salesmen, engineers, accountants: a cross section of all the trades and professions and most of them had problems! There were women in the classes business women and housewives. They too had problems. Clearly, what I needed was a textbook on how to conquer worry. So again, I tried to find one.I went to the New York great public library at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street and discovered to my astonishment that this library had only twenty-two books listed 国民党五届五中全会后,蒋介石一再强调:“制裁共党活动,应尽早用民众力量,党政机关避免直接出面,尤其避免党派斗争之痕迹,对八路军、新四军之游击区域,由中央严格限制,不为任其发展。”从材料中可以看出国民政府对中共的政策特点是(  )A.破坏国共合作,推行反共政策        B.伺机彻底消灭中国共.产.党C.动用一切手段来限制中共武装发展    D.既要反共,又不敢与中共彻底决裂
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