
The unusual whistle language used as a means of communication by villagers in the remote and mountainous northern Turkey has been added to the UNESCO list of Intangible Cultural Heritage.The language is a highly developed high-pitch system of whistling to communicate in rugged(崎岖的)areas where people mostly cannot see each other. It can allow people to communicate across great distances, up to 5 kilometers. Compared with other similar whistle languages in Spain’s Canary Islands, in Mexico, or in Greek villages, it has a higher tone and larger vocabulary.This unusual form of communic下列各句中,加粗的词语使用恰当的一项是 [     ]A.一个名不见经传的莘莘学子为何能够引起科技界前辈如此关注?这缘于近年刘嘉忆通过潜心研究成功攻克了一个多年未解的国际数学难题。B.这种文风承继自周作人、董桥以来中国文人隐忍的传统,抒情而不煽情,简洁凝练的句子体现的是大方之家的功底与素养。C.近日,记者在无极县见到了神奇的“景观”——红色碱性皮革污水汇成了千岛湖一样的大水塘,十余个水塘连成一片,水坑中满是红色污水,场面蔚为壮观。D.对中国人来说,在国与国无时无刻都用“软权力”较量的年代,我们除了张艺谋之外,还有孔子做文化大使,更是值得庆幸。
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