
How would it feel to be the last person on Earth who speaks your language? For those of us whose native languages have millions of speakers, it’s almost impossible to imagine. And yet languages have come and gone throughout human history, and they continue to do so. Linguists estimate that of the world’s approximately 6,900 languages, more than half are at risk of dying out by the end of the 21st century.Sometimes languages die out quickly. This can happen when small communities of speakers are wiped out by disasters or war. In El Salvador, for example, speakers of the indigenous (土生《大公报》对重庆谈判报道:“爱好民主自由的人士都知道,这是维系中国目前及未来历史和人民幸福的一个喜讯。”当时许多“爱好民主自由的人士”盼望A.毛蒋两人消除隔阂,共同抗日B.共.产.党与民主党派合作建立新中国C.共.产.党与国民党轮流执政D.国共两党和平协商,创建联合政府
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