
Inspired by a 9-year-old cyclist, Lauren Turner, who can only use one hand, a group of University of Guelph students has won an international award for their invention-a bike brake lever (刹车手柄) that pulls both the front brake and the back brake at the same time.Lauren Tuner was able to ride her bike, but not as confidently and quickly as her friends.“She couldn’t use the front brake. She only used the back brake, but the front brake makes you stop twice as fast,” says Micha Wallace, who, with Katie Bell, Anina Sakaguchi and Andrew Morries won second prize in the James Dyson Awa下列各组词语中,有错别字的一项是                            (   ) A.暮霭 履历 拾掇 兵荒马乱闲情逸致 B.浏览 晦涩 贻误 两全其美优柔寡断 C.影碟 慈详 晓谕 跌宕起伏坚贞不渝 D.贸然 妥贴 迄今 责无旁贷平心而论
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