
【1】I thought I was quite a good artist, but your painting puts mine in the ________ (羞愧) .【2】The weather is so _____ (terrible) this year that we can hardly stand so many cold days!【3】To prevent overfishing(过度捕捞), ___________(渔民) stop fishing for a month every year.【4】Wearing dark glasses _______ (keep something safe from danger) your eyes from the sun.【5】It's very hot today, but quite c________. I think it’s going to rain.我国古代的书籍按其作者学派、时间或内容大致分为“经、史、子、集”等几类。其中“经部”是以“十三经”为主和附以解释儒家经典的经书以及研究语言文字的著作。“四书五经”是儒家思想的经典,南宋朱熹编有《四书集注》,其中的“四书”是指 [     ]A、《尚书》《礼》《易》《春秋》B、《尚书》《论语》《礼》《孟子》C、《论语》《大学》《中庸》《孟子》D、《尚书》《论语》《荀子》《孟子》
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