
AIDS-related illnesses have killed more than 30 million people since 1981. That's half as many deaths as in World War II. And it's not over. An estimated 1.1 million Americans are among the 33 million people worldwide who are now living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.Between 1884 and 1924, somewhere near modern-day Kinshasa in West Central Africa, a hunter kills a chimpanzee. Some of the animal's blood enters the hunter's body, possibly through an open wound. The blood carries a virus harmless to the chimp but deadly to humans: HIV.In June, 1981, the CDC publishes a report from Los Angel12.读亚洲地图完成后面的问题:(1)请填出图中字母所代表的大洋和半岛的名称:大洋:A印度洋、B太平洋、C北冰洋;半岛:D阿拉伯半岛、E印度半岛、F中南半岛.(2)图中①②③,人口最稀疏的是②,多火山地震的是①,因为它位于亚欧板块和太平洋板块交界处.
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