
The only person who can change what you feel is you.A new relationship, a new house, a new car, a new job, these things can momentarily distract(转移) you from your _______, but no other person, no material possession, no activity can remove, release, or _______how you feel. How often do you _______people say things like when I have enough _______, I won't be afraid anymore, only to find there never seems to be enough money to _______ being afraid. Or when I'm in a secure relationship I won't _______ lonely any more, and finding they are still _______ regardless of their relationship. We nee下列有关植物体的叙述中,正确的是(  )A. 根毛是一群形态相似、具有吸收水分和无机盐功能且结构相同的细胞,称为根毛组织B. 植物主要通过根尖的伸长区吸收土壤中的水分和无机盐C. 含氮的无机盐可以促进幼苗的发育和花的开放,使果实种子提早成熟D. 根尖的结构由顶端向上依次是根冠、分生区、伸长区、成熟区
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