
When I first met George, I was in my early 30s. My children were just entering school life allowing me to escape from endless housework. At 65, George had recently left work and was seeking a rewarding hobby for his golden years. For both of us, we loved painting and we met at a local TAFE painting class. Thus began a friendship that was to last for 25 years —until the day he died.George was an energetic man who lived life to the full. He loved his family, his friends, and was loyal and outspoken. As the only male in a painting class full of women, George quite enjoyed it. He ruled the roost将潮湿的Cl2通过甲装置后,再通过放有干燥红色布条的乙装置,红色布条不褪色。则甲装置中所盛试剂(足量)可能是? ①浓硫酸 ②NaOH溶液 ?③KI溶液 ④饱和食盐水?A.①②?                 B.②③?               C.①②③?          D.①②③④?
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