
听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【1】Why will the speaker’s uncle open the restaurants?A. To make profits. B. To feed the needy. C. To spread his recipes.【2】How will the speaker’s uncle get the ingredients?A. By collecting unwanted things.B. By buying fresh vegetables.C. By getting cheap stuff at the market.【3】How can people receive food at the restaurant?A. Help themselves. B. Reserve in advance. C. Wait at tables.【4】What’s the speaker’s attitude towards his uncle’s action?A. Supportive. B. Shocked. C. Worried. 按要求排列下列句子。 ①因此,谁如果要鉴赏我国的园林,苏州园林就不该错过。②苏州园林据说有一百多处,我到过的不过十多处。③倘若要我说说总的印象,我觉得苏州园林是我国各地园林的标本,各地园林或多或少都受到苏州园林的影响。④其他地方的园林我也到过一些。 排列顺序:                                        
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