
玉米的一个体细胞有10对染色体,经有丝分裂后,形成的子细胞内含有染色体A. 5条 B. 10条 C. 20条 D. 40条 答案:【答案】C【解析】有丝分裂过程中,染色体复制一次,细胞分裂一次,子细胞中染色体数目不变,仍为20条。C项正确。21、British food is very different from Chinese food. For example, they eat a lot of potatoes.They like to eat them every day.They eat a lot of bread with butter for breakfast and usually for one other meal. Butter is made from milk.They do not eat much rice.For their dinner they like meat or fish with potatoes and one or two other vegetables.They cook all this together.After dinner they always have something sweet.They do not have dumplings.They drink a lot of tea.They are the biggest tea drinkers in the world.They like Chinese tea, but they usually drink strong black tea from India. 1.What do British people eat every day?         A.Dumplings               B.Vegetables.      C.Potatoes.       D.Meat. 2.What do they eat when they have bread?  A.Dessert                    B.Vegetables.      C.Juice.            D.Butter. 3.What is butter made from? A.Drink                      B.Water                C.Milk                D.Tea. 4.What does “black tea” mean? A.黑茶                        B.红茶                 C.绿茶               D.清茶 5.Which of the following is not true? A.English people drink a lot of tea. B.Chinese food is different from British food C.Both Chinese people and English people like rice and fish. D.English food is very popular in China.
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