
Graduation is a very special time. With hard work, a student can successfully get his or her college __ You’ve reached the right place if you want to ________ him or her. The following are some excellent congratulation messages at the graduation ceremony. ◆Congratulations! I wish you all the best as you’re going to face some more difficult ________ in your life. I’m sure that you can _______any difficulty. In the future, you’ll meet many new friends. If someone helps you, please don’t forget to be _______ to him or her! ◆You did well! You’re such a(n)____ friend and help me a l13、将具有一对相对性状的纯种豌豆个体间行种植,另将具有一对相对性状的纯种玉米个体间行种植。具有隐性性状的一行植株上所产生的Fl是 A.豌豆和玉米都有显性个体和隐性个体 B.豌豆都为隐性个体,玉米既有显性又有隐性 C.豌豆和玉米的显性和隐性比例都是3:1 D.玉米都为隐性个体,豌豆既有显性又有隐性
英语 试题推荐