
After losing his close friend and his mother in the same year, Dylan changed(改变)his lifestyle by traveling the world with his pet ferret(雪貂).“It was terrible for me, but I didn’t want to be grieved all the time,” said Dylan. “I needed to start a new life.”So Dylan gave up(放弃)his job and sold his house and cars. Finally, he got $19, 500 for his dream trip. Then he traveled around the world with his “friend”: the ferret Bandit.Setting off(出发) in February 2018, the two traveled to 11 countries, such as Germany, Sweden, England and Italy, in 8 months. 一个不透明的口袋里装有除颜色外其余都相同的10个白球和若干个红球,在不允许将球倒出来数的前提下,小亮为了估计其中的红球个数,采用如下方法:先将口袋中的球摇匀,再从口袋里随机摸出一球,记下颜色,然后把它放回口袋中,不断重复上述过程,小亮共摸了1000次,其中有200次摸到白球,因此小亮估计口袋中的红球大约为(  )A. 60个 B. 50个 C. 40个 D. 30个
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