
阅读理解 TRINOLONE ORAL PASTE COMPOSITION: Each gram contains 1 mg Triamcinolone Acetonide. INDICATIONS: Trinolone oral paste provides curative, suppressant or arneliorative action in acute and chronic lesions of the oral mucosa. ADVERSE EFFECTS: Intolerance to the preparation is rare. When used as recommended, systemic effects are very unlikely. However, if any unusual symptoms such as weakness or dizziness should occur, they should be called to the attention of the patient's physician. CONTRAINDICATIONS:Because it contains a corticosteroid, the preparation is contraindicated in the pre14.已知等比数列{an},其前n项和为Sn.(1)若数列{an}不是递减数列,并满足a1=$\frac{3}{2}$,S3+a3,S5+a5,S4+a4成等差数列.①求数列{an}的通项公式;②设Tn=Sn-$\frac{1}{{S}_{n}}$,求数列{Tn}的最大项和最小项的值;(2)若存在唯一的等比数列{bn}满足an-bn=n(n=1,2,3),求b1.
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