
阅读理解EveryChristmas, the firm I worked for raised money for disadvantaged kids in thearea, and every Christmas I'd drive out with colleagues to deliver gifts. Someyears ago, we were returning to work and stopped at an intersection as thelights turned red. Wewere in the middle lane and I became aware of an SUV(越野车) coming up behind us at speed; at the last moment, it switched tothe righthand lane and carried straight on past the red light into trafficmoving west to east. It crashed into another vehicle, causing it to veer off(转向),then they both skidded to a stop. Therewas a下列各句中没有语病的一句是   (  ) A.达赖出逃外国50年,凭借历世达赖喇嘛在藏传佛教中的地位,一直把有着悠久历史和广泛信教群众基础的藏传佛教,当成了分裂祖国的工具。 B.由于写人的散文和其它散文一样具有形散神不散的特点,决定了写人散文中的事情多零碎、分散,时间上、空间上、逻辑关系上有较大的跳跃性。 C.校庆在即,学校要求全体师生注重礼仪,热情待客,以带给从全国各地回母校参加庆祝活动的校友感到宾至如归。 D.蒙古族同胞长期生活在马背上,随身携带精美的小刀,既可以用来宰杀、解剖、切割牛羊的肉,肉烧熟了,又可以用它作餐具。
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