
Who will go to London with the man?A.Linda. B.Bruce. C.Mike. 答案:【答案】C【解析】【原文】W:I'm told you will fly to London next Monday afternoon?M:Yes.Mike will go there with me too.What can I do for you there, Bruce?W:My daughter,Linda,asked me to send her a coat,but I'm afraid your luggage is too heavy.M:Don't worry.It doesn't matter.“千余名为求官而来的‘三分钟慷慨派’(史学家胡绳语),在已成定居的悲剧面前,以‘成事不说’为由纷纷散去。但是,他们共同签名的激扬文字却流传甚广,以致成为一场‘现代化’运动的先声。”这场“现代化”运动的主要功绩是(  ) A.动摇了儒家思想的正统地位               B.起了重要的思想启蒙作用 C.沉重打击了清王朝的反动统治             D.把思想宣传转化成了爱国实践
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