
下列关于蛋白质在人体的生命活动中承担主要作用的是( ) ①氧气的运输 ②维持人体内细胞的酸碱平衡 ③促进人体生长 ④心脏的跳动 ⑤细胞的能量供应⑥精卵细胞的相互识别A.①②④⑥ B.①②③⑤ C.①③④⑥ D.①④⑤⑥ 答案:【答案】C【解析】蛋白质的功能是生命活动的主要承担者:①构成细胞和生物体的重要物质,即结构蛋白,如羽毛、头发、蛛丝、肌动蛋白;②催化作用:如绝大多数酶;③传递信息,即调节作用:如胰岛素、生长激素;④免疫作用:如免疫球蛋白(抗体);⑤运输作用:如红细胞中的血红蛋白。①氧1、I had the privilege to visit the Bridge of Forgiveness in Palawan during the time when I was on the summer’s team. After the long and exciting week,we had a chance to  36  the place where we were  assigned(指定).We  37 the narrow hanging bridge made of two bamboos and a long  rope which you can hold  38  for your life as you cross it.1 was SO afraid of  39 ,  especially here, and I think most of US were not  40  to crossing SO high a bridge. 41 ,our  team leader told US that we must cross this bridge in order to see the splendid falls that lie out on the other  42 “As you cross this bridge,think about  43  difficult,but it is possible.” Many times in our lives we face  44  that we don’t expect―broken relationships,betrayal(背叛)of a friend,etc.,and all we do is  45 . But I noticed that life must go on,and all the burdens must be  46  through forgiveness―forgiveness of yourself and others.     I didn’t  understand my cousin 47  she told me I should 48  all those unfriendly guys with  49 .But as I grow older,I realize that lying in the past  50  and guilt will not serve me well. Once I forgave serious  51 ,I noticed that I couldn't forget them but every time I remembered them,I  52.There are no more pains brought just by the thought of them. After all,life is good. 53  all the hardships, pains and difficulties, life teaches me to be  54  in facing any adversity(逆境)while at the same time it makes me  55 to those who suffer.If somebody does something terrible to me,I have to think back the bridge of forgiveness ―difficult but possible. 36.A.admire B.recognize C.explore D.expose  37.A.came upon B.set aside C.built up D.broke down  38.A.conveniently B.delightedly C.tightly D.relaxingly  39.A.distance B.heights C.dangers D.1engths  40.A.devoted B.1imited C.opposed. D.accustomed  41.A.However B.Therefore C.Otherwise D.Anyway  42.A.side B.hand C.way D.direction  43.A.happiness B.sorrow C.forgiveness D.entertainment  44.A.strangers B.environments C.ceremonies D.situations 45.A.hope B.fight C.forget D.sigh  46.A.stopped B.unloaded C.added D.charged  47.A.when B.until C.unless D.before  48.A.ignore B.tease C.treat D.value  49.A.patience B.kindness C.courage D.violence  50.A.matters B.hurts C.counts D.changes  51.A.disadvantages B.behavior C.friends D.offences  52.A.ached B.suffered C.smiled D.regretted  53.A.Apart from B.Rather than C.Instead of D.Regardless of  54.A.strong B.aggressive C.inspired D.aware  55.A.considerate B.merciful C.grateful D.since
生物 试题推荐