
Father's Day is celebrated today in 75 countries around the world. In my personal world, it's a day I like to think of my father's father.I learned a lot in my later life from my dad. But I learned something else, as a kid not even yet in school, from my grandfather. I learned to be curious. Little things fathers and grandfathers do can change the life of a child forever. In my case, this change came from necessity: My mom needed someone to look after little Allen, barely 4 years old, during the school day. My grandmother volunteered, and my grandfather came up with a way I could be watched wh阅读下面这首唐诗,完成小题。马诗二十三首·其四唐·李贺 此马非凡马,房星①是本星。向前敲瘦骨,犹自带铜声。(注)①“房星”,马星,指天马。1.诗歌三、四两句中,“瘦骨”“铜声”极其传神,请结合诗句作简要分析。2.诗人借马,婉曲地抒发了怎样的感慨?
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