
One of our biggest problems many of us feel is having too much to do and not feeling like we have enough time to do it.Of course, having “not enough time” is just a feeling. The fact is that we all have the same amount of time, but we often fill up the container (容器) of our days with too many things..The problem is having too many things to fit into a small container (24 hours). If we look at task and time management simply as a container organization problem, it becomes simpler.How do we fit all of the things we have to do into our small container? We do that by simplifying what we ha理解句子。   这种玻璃叫“夹丝网防盗玻璃”,博物馆可以采用,银行可以采用,珠宝店可以采用,存放重要图纸、文件的建筑物也可以采用。 你能给这段话中加粗的词语换个说法吗?如果把加粗的词语改为“要”行吗?为什么? ____________________________________________________
英语 试题推荐