
下图是唐朝画家阎立本所绘的《步辇图》。图中反映的接见后,成就了民族关系上的哪次和亲A.汉高祖把公主嫁给匈奴单于B.王昭君嫁给匈奴呼韩邪单于C.文成公主嫁给吐蕃赞普松赞干布D.金城公主嫁给吐蕃赞普尺带珠丹 答案:【答案】C【解析】试题本题主要考查学生对《步辇图》的准确识记。依据已学知识可知,公元640年(贞观十四年),吐蕃王松赞干布仰慕大唐文明,派使者禄东赞到长安通聘。《步辇图》描绘的是禄东赞朝见唐太宗时的场景,之后,唐太宗把文成公主嫁给吐蕃赞普松赞干布故选C。  Mr Reese was a farmer. He and his wife grew a lot of things and they had a few cows. They worked very hard. One day Mr Reese said to his wife, “Let's go to Portsmouth next Sunday. We can have a good lunch there, and then we can go to the cinema.”   His wife was very happy when she heard this. Because she and her husband always eat a lot, she didn't like cooking three times every day.   They went to Portsmouth by train and walked about for an hour. Then when it was 12:00, they want to have a meal. They looked at several restaurants. In one of them there was a notice outside Lunch 12:30 to 2:30 for$ 1.50.   “Well, that's good, we can eat for two hours for $1.50 here. This is the place for us.” (1)The Reeses worked ________. [  ] A.in Portsmouth B.on a farm C.in a cinema D.in a shop (2)What were the Reeses going to do? [  ] A.To see a film. B.To do some travelling. C.To go to town and have a good time. D.To move to Portsmouth and have a good time. (3)Mrs Reese agreed with her husband because ________. [  ] A.she didn't enjoy cooking every day B.she had the same idea he said C.she knew he was always right D.she thought they would have a different life (4)The notice means“________”. [  ] A.Eat for two hours for $1.50 B.A meal for $ 1.50 at anytime from 12:30 to 2:30 C.Eat at 12:30 or 2:30 for $1.50 D.Two hours lunch for $1.50 (5)From the end of the story we may know ________. [  ] A.Mrs Reese liked the restaurant because she was in great need of meal B.They would have a long lunch C.The Reeses had been to the restaurant D.The Reeses didn't often eat in restaurant
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