
Mike is only six years old, and he doesn't like soap(肥皂) or water. Three _____four times every day his mother says to him. Mike, your hands are very dirty(脏的). Go and _____ them. Mike only puts his hands _____ the water for a few seconds(秒), and then _____ them out. Pie doesn't really wash _____ well. One clay Mike's uncle(叔叔) comes to ______ Mike' s parents (父母), and he brings (带来) ______son with him. His son is seven years old, and he doesn't like soap______ water. The two ____ play outside. Mike looks _______ the other boy s hands and says, My hands are dirty, and your下图为神经——肌肉连接图。C1、C2表示免疫细胞,黑点(·)表示神经元胞体,①—⑦表示神经纤维。该肌肉受到刺激后发生了不自主的收缩。下列相关叙述错误的是(    ) A.C2是浆细胞,无特异性识别抗原的能力,但可产生抗体与抗原特异性结合 B.在肌肉收缩的反射过程中,其神经冲动在神经纤维上出现的顺序是④→⑤→⑥ C.重症肌无力患者是因自身产生的抗体把自身肌肉细胞膜上的神经递质受体当作抗原攻击所致,所以重症肌无力属自身免疫病 D.在大脑感觉到肌肉受到刺激的过程中,其神经冲动在神经纤维上出现的顺序是④→⑤→⑦
英语 试题推荐