
I’m Lucy.Our mother says Lily was born(出生)five minutes before me.Some people say Lucy and Lily look the same.But I don’t think so. In our bedroom,my books and tapes are all in the bookcase(书架).My keys(钥匙)are in my pencil box.But her keys are on the table.Sometimes,she forgets(忘记)to take the keys with her and she can’t open the door.I have a clock.It’s on the bedside table.Every morning,It tells me the time,and then I go to school.Lily’s books are everywhere- under her bed,under the sofa and on the chair.The white socks are hers.They2011年以来我国高速公路发生多起有关客车相撞的严重交通事故,原因之一就是没有掌握好车距。据经验丰富的司机总结:在高速公路上,一般可按你的车速来确定与前车距离,如车速为80km/h,就应与前车保持80m的距离,以此类推。现有一辆客车以108km/h速度行驶,一般司机反应时间为0.5s,反应时间内视为匀速运动,刹车时最大加速度为6m/s2,求: (1)若司机发现前车因故突然停车,则从司机发现危险到客车停止运动,该客车通过的最短路程?并说明按经验,车距保持108m是否可行?(2)若客车超载,刹车最大加速度减为5m/s2;司机为赶时间而超速,速度达到144km/h;且晚上疲劳驾驶,反应时间增为1.5s,则从司机发现危险到客车停止运动,客车通过的最短路程?并说明经验是否可靠?
英语 试题推荐