
Urban WildlifeCities are diverse ecosystems. In addition to visitors from the wild, a large number of species share our urban areas. As our cities spread, we need to think about what it is like for other species to have human neighbors.Cities are built for humans. 【1】For example, most city parks are kept neat and tidy so that humans will find them beautiful. But when we cut grass or plant flowers, we destroy natural habitats.【2】When a bridge in Austin, Texas was repaired, engineers added small gaps running along the length of its bottom. This made a good home for bats, and soon the bri阅读下面这首宋诗,完成下列小题。归次汉中境上陆游云栈屏山阅月①游,马蹄初喜踏梁州。地连秦雍川原壮,水下荆扬②日夜流。遗虏③孱孱宁远略,孤臣耿耿独私忧。良时恐作他年恨,大散关头又一秋。[注]①阅月:过了一个月。“阅”与“越”通。②荆扬:均为古州名,此指湖北、江苏等地.③遗虏:残存的虏寇。【1】下列对这首诗的赏析,不正确的一项是A.首联选取典型景物,意境开阔,“马蹄初喜”化用唐人诗句奠定了全诗的感情基调。B.颔联以豪迈语写出了汉中的雄伟壮阔、水利之便,突显了汉中地区的军事战略地位。C.颈联对金人的军事力量作了描述,兵力孱弱,缺少谋略,应趁机反攻,夺回失地。D.本诗颇多豪壮语,对仗工整,叠词精巧,寓意深刻,尤其是首联与颔联更见豪荡。【2】这首诗表达的思想感情较为丰富,请结合全诗简要赏析。
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