
Many people have low iron in their blood. But pregnant women need extra iron for their own health and their baby's health. Iron is important to the development of a baby's brain and central nervous system.In poor countries, however, providing all pregnant women with iron supplements can be a financial issue. Some experts say giving supplements to babies after they are born is enough.Someone who disagrees is Paul Christian, a nutritionist at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Maryland. She and other scientists have been doing research in Nepal. She says their latest findings should se“五•五”端午节即将来临,某校准备组织七年级师生前往施秉县云台山旅游,计划租用豪华大巴汽车或中巴汽车来载运,已知一辆豪华大巴汽车装载人数是一辆中巴汽车装载人数的2倍还少10;若租用10辆豪华大巴汽车来载运就还差20人没有座位,而租用16辆中巴汽车来载运就刚好坐满.请问:①每辆大巴和中巴各装载多少人?此次旅游一共有多少人?②若租用一辆豪华大巴每天租金600元,租用一辆中巴每天租金450元;不准超载,此次旅游共3天应租用哪一种汽车最划算?租金一共多少元?
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