
What do you get when you mix six little pigs, four monkeys and the deadly Ebola virus? Bad news, according to a recent experiment by Canadian researchers.The experiment is the first to suggest that the Ebola virus can spread through the air. The study, published in November, detailed how the virus apparently moved from pigs to monkeys without their coming into physical contact. Previously, researchers thought animals had to touch to pass along the virus, which has been blamed for the deaths of more than 1,500 people.In the experiment, researchers infected six piglets with Ebola. The team then 1940年底,在晋冀鲁豫边区出现了壹元、贰元、伍元、拾元的假冀钞,到了1943年上半年,日军制造假票越来越猖獗,他们在太原、榆次、太谷等地,由特务机关——东兴公司印刷厂印制假票就达6000万元。日伪此举旨在A.对抗日根据地实行经济封锁B.阴谋破坏根据地金融市场C.提升其在全中国的货币信用D.配合国民党币制改革政策
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