
Families will be rewarded for the first time for putting out less rubbish under new plans to significantly promote recycling, especially of valuable materials like glass.The new plan for collecting waste in England will scrap fines (罚款) for putting plastic in the wrong recycling bin. Instead, families will be offered rewards for recycling more rubbish measured by a microchip (芯片) in the rubbish bin. Caroline Spelman, an Environment Secretary, said, “It is better to use a plan that offers people rewards, rather than punishing them. We want to help those people who want to do the right图(a)、(b)中的情景表示了力的作用效果,其中图 主要表示力能使物体的运动状态发生改变;图 主要表示力能使物体发生形变。[ 均选填“(a)”、或“(b)”]
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