
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Video-sharing websites are not only about movies and TV programs. For many viewers, danmu, which literally means “bullet screen (弹幕)”, is【1】emotional shot to the heart.On Dec 4, “AWSL” was named “2019 Bilibili’s Bullet Chat of the Year”. By Dec 4, it had appeared about 3.3 million times in 2019. According to Bilibili, AWSL is short for “A, wo si le” in Mandarin, which means “Ah, I’m【2】(die)” in English. The term refers to a mixture of emotions related to5.在乘法算式中,一个乘数扩大5倍,另一个乘数缩小5倍,积不变.√.(判断对错)
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