
Human beings are in for a double treat in January with the appearance of two supermoons. The first one rises on the night of New Year’s Day. The second comes on the last night of the month, ending up with a lunar eclipse (月食). That is the end of a trilogy (三部曲) of big moon treats that began in Dec. 3 with a full cold moon. The Jan. 1 supermoon will be the biggest of the year. The moon will appear to be oversized for a few nights after that, though it will no longer be a full moon.A supermoon is a full moon that appears at the closest point in the moon’s orbit to earth, about 14 p下图为2010年日本对外投资的主要国家和地区示意图。据此完成下面小题。【1】日本对外投资额最多的大洲是A.北美洲B.欧洲C.南美洲D.大洋洲【2】日本加大对外投资的主要原因是①海运交通便利②资源丰富③土地紧张④环境污染严重A.①②B.①③C.①④D.③④【3】甲地吸引日本投资的突出优势是A.资金充足B.技术先进C.劳动力廉价D.自然条件优越
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