
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.【1】无论幸福的定义如何变化,人们永远不会放弃追求幸福的权利。(right)___________________【2】在团队精神的鼓舞下,研究小组的每个成员都为新项目做出了自己的贡献。(contribution)___________________【3】越来越多年轻人遭受着精神问题的困扰,这是由日益加增的生活压力造成的。___________________【4】在人类身上使用基因编辑技术是非常危险的。它不仅违背了医学伦理道德,并且可能For my daughter's 19th birthday, we bought her tickets to go and see Linkin Park, as they were playing in our city. We didn't really have the    ____   but we knew how much this band meant to her.The night before she was like a  ____   at Christmas. Every so often she got up and came to    ____   with us, because she couldn't   ___. On the night of the   ____   it was good to see her so    ____    and excited, as she and her boyfriend set off.Needless to say when they   ____    after midnight, with T­shirts and lots of pictures of the band,    ____    her telling about how fantastic they had been, we knew the money had been well   ____. This will be a memory she would   ____   forget, and nor would we.____   full of excitement from the night before, the following day they   ___   to go shopping on the other side of the city. My husband and I   ____, loving the fact that she had not   ____ that quality as she grew up.Later that day they returned, with faces full of happiness and warmth. They presented my husband and me with a   ____    each. On each present were the words “Because you are the    ____   mum/dad in the world”. When we said our thank­yous and told her she didn't have to, we asked her   ____   she had bought us gifts. Her    ____   was simply “Just because I love you”.This wasn't something   ____    from our daughter; she had always given us a gift when she wanted to express her  ____, and each gift was always a welcome surprise. It could have been anything, it wouldn't have mattered, and it was  the act itself and the feelings behind it.小题1:A.moneyB.timeC.interestD.news小题2:A.workerB.babyC.kidD.parent小题3:A.danceB.learnC.walkD.sit小题4:A.speakB.sleepC.standD.leave小题5:A.concertB.holidayC.partyD.travel小题6:A.healthyB.happyC.prettyD.surprised小题7:A.stayedB.leftC.returnedD.turned小题8:A.worrying aboutB.caring forC.looking atD.listening to小题9:A.lentB.earnedC.savedD.spent小题10:A.everB.neverC.oftenD.neither小题11:A.StillB.OnlyC.JustD.Also小题12:A.continuedB.triedC.decidedD.struggled小题13:A.refusedB.criedC.shoutedD.laughed小题14:A.keptB.lostC.realizedD.discovered小题15:A.giftB.prizeC.ticketD.picture小题16:A.richestB.oldestC.bestD.cleverest小题17:A.whereB.howC.whenD.why小题18:A.wayB.answerC.suggestionD.idea小题19:A.importantB.ordinaryC.newD.valuable小题20:A.feelingsB.concernsC.understandingsD.opinions
英语 试题推荐