
Sometimes it’s hard to find time to exercise. But in fact, whether you’re on the road, at work, or at home, you can always find a few more ways to work out. 【1】 Just train yourself to find ways to fit in a little fitness, and you’ll soon gain the rewards.【2】 When you go to the store, park far away from the door so you can enjoy a nice walk on your way to the shop. While you’re shopping, look for ways to turn it into a quick workout. If you’re shopping on your own, avoid depending on your cart, and try to keep your pace up.Any time you find yourself with something heavy in you 读某城市地税分布等值线图,且据考证:该城市早期商业活动主要集中在沿河地区。读图并结合所学知识回答下题: (1) 据此可推知该城早期的地域形态是(  ) [  ] A. 团块状 B. 组团式态 C. 分散式或块状 D. 条带式 (2) 图中,等值线a、b、c的付租能力关系是(  ) [  ] A. a>b>c B. a<b<c C. a=b>c D. a>b=c (3) 造成图中局部地区地税分布等值线由中心向外凸出的主要因素是(  ) [  ] A. 地形条件 B. 交通条件 C. 人口分布状况 D. 早期商业活动 (4) 近年来甲地出现了高级住宅区,主要原因是该地(  ) [  ] A. 位于城市外缘,环境质量好 B. 远离中心城区,地价便宜 C. 地势开阔,便于建立工业区 D. 位于河流附近,取水方便
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