
阅读下面文章,并根据短文内容判断文后句子的正误。正确的用(T),错误的用(F)。When you are in Hongkong, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left. It is different from that in other areas of China. If you are the first time to come to Hongkong, you must look to the right side and then the left before you cross the street.If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then people on foot can cross the road carefully. But if the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People on foot mustn't cross.When people 观察甲乙两图.请问:(1)你认为它属于动物细胞的是 .(填“甲”或“乙”)(2)在光学显微镜下不易看到的结构是[ ] ,它是保证细胞正常生活的一道屏障,它将细胞内部与外界分隔开,对细胞除具有保护作用外,还有 的功能.(3)“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”是生物的遗传现象,它与图中[ ] 有关.(4)用20ⅹ目镜和40ⅹ物镜观察该细胞时,一般应用眼向目镜内看,此时看到的细胞被放大了 倍;如果把目镜换成15ⅹ,那么在显微镜视野中看到细胞数目会 (填“增多”或减少”),视野会变 (填“明”或“暗”)(5)植物细胞与动物细胞的区别在于:植物细胞有 、 和 ,而动物细胞没有.
英语 试题推荐