
2018年10月24日一桥连三地,天堑变通途的______大桥正式通车.中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习.平出席通车仪式,宣布大桥正式开通.这座大桥共长55公里,是世界上最长的跨海大桥. 建设创下多项世界之最. 标志着我国隧岛桥设计施工管理水平走在了世界前列() A . 杭州湾跨海大桥 B . 舟山连岛跨海大桥 C . 港珠澳跨海大桥 D . 广东跨海大桥Do you know many students aren't healthy today? Now many students know sports are good for _______ health. But they don't like_______.Some of them only watch them_______ TV. What's more (而且),many of them only like watching TV and_______computer games.They often say, “Play soccer? Oh,it sounds _______Play basketball? Oh,it sounds difficult.”And many boys and girls don't like_______.They don't have carrots for _______and they don't have broccoli for dinner.But vegetables and fruit are_______food.They need to eat lots of them every day._______ they like junk food(垃圾食品).They like________French fries, hamburgers, fast foodSo if(如果) you want to be healthy,eat vegetables and play sports ev ery day !.【1】A. their B. her C. his D. your【2】A. play sport B. play ingsport C. play sports D. playing sports【3】A. in B. on C. at D. to【4】A. player B. play C. playing D. plays【5】A. interesting B. boring C. fun D. nice【6】A. meat B. vegetables C. fruit D. dessert【7】A. drink B. dinner C. play D. lunch【8】A. healthy B. health C. first D. last【9】A. And B. so C. But D. Then【10】A. doing B. eating C. watching D. playing
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