
Canada is a bilingual country with co-official languages. English and French enjoy equal status as the official languages of all government agencies in Canada. This means that the public has the right to communicate with and receive services from government in either English or French. Government employees have the right to work in the official language of their choice in certain bilingual regions.Like the United States, Canada started as a colony. Beginning in the 1500s it was part of New France but later became a British colony after the Seven Years’ War. As a result, the Canadian governm“中国梦”与中国近代以来中华民族的奋斗史紧密相连。阅读下图及文字材料,探究相关问题。(天朝愚梦)材料一:天朝物产丰盈,无所不有,原不籍外夷货物以通有无。——清朝乾隆皇帝致英国国王乔治三世的信函(破碎之梦)材料二:(梦醒时分)材料三:李鸿章、康有为、梁启超,孙中山、陈独秀、李大钊……这一个个熟悉的名字,在中国近代这段多灾多难的历史上,留下了深深的足迹。(1)材料一反映出当时的清朝统治者怎样一种心理?统治者这样的心态在清朝后期产生了怎样的不良影响和后果?(2)材料二中的两幅图代表着清政府遭受的耻辱性失败。这些失败对中国的社会性质产生了怎样的影响?(3)在材料三中选择两个历史人物,列举其历史贡献并说明相关事件的历史意义。(4)通过对以上问题的探究,谈谈我们能为实现“中国梦”做出哪些努力。
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