
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Long ago the Emperor decided to hold a swimming race between 13 different animals. The order in which they finished would decide the order of their 【1】 (appear) on the Chinese calendar.All the animals lined up on the river bank and were given 【2】 task of getting to the opposite shore. The cat wondered how he would get there 【3】 he was afraid of water. The ox worried he couldn’t cross the river 【4】 his poor eyesight. The calculating rat suggested that he and the cat 【5】 (j漆器是中国古代在化学工艺及工艺美术方面的重要发明。下列原始人类中,懂得使用天然漆的是( )A.元谋人B.北京人C.山顶洞人D.河姆渡人
英语 试题推荐