
You've heard the predictions from some of the brightest minds about AI’s influence. Tesla and SpaceX chief Elon Musk worries that AI is far more dangerous than nuclear weapons. The late scientist Stephen Hawking warned AI could serve as the “worst event in the history of our civilization” unless humanity is prepared for its possible risks.But many experts, even those who are aware of such risks, have a more positive attitude, especially in health-care and possibly in education. That is one of the results from a new AI study released Monday by the Pew Research Center.Pew canvassed the opi查字典填空。 “审”的音部是(  ),除部首外余(  )画。 在字典中有以下解释: A.详细,周密。B.审查。C.审讯。D.知道。 在“包公审驴”中应取第(  )种解释。
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