
阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。When I was 14, I decided to make some pocket monkey by 【1】(help)Mr.Miller cut the grass in his garden. I worked hard because that was my first part-time job.After working for one week,Mr. Miller said that he had no money for me .That surprised me 【2】(great).I argued with him . And then I went back home in anger.My parents told me not to be angry 【3】 Mr. Miller because 【4】 was in difficulties . Then my mother called up Mr. Miller and they talked about something on下列句子顺序排列正确的一项是(       )(2分)①香,绍兴黄酒有诱人的馥郁芳香。②味,绍兴黄酒的味更是由酸、甜、苦、辛、鲜、涩6种味组成,它们互相制约,互相影响,和谐地融合在一起,组成了绍兴酒的酒体。③人的魅力在于人格,正如酒的魅力在于酒格,独特的色、香、味就是绍兴黄酒的酒格所在。④凡是名酒,都重芳香,绍兴酒所独具的馥香,不是指某一种特别重的香气,而是一种复合香,是由酯类、醇类、醛类、酸类、羰基化合物和酚类等多种成分组成的。⑤色,绍兴黄酒主要呈琥珀色,即橙色,透明澄澈,纯洁可爱,使人赏心悦目。A.④③⑤①②B.③④⑤①②C.④⑤①②③D.③⑤①④②
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