
Bees seem to fly aimlessly as they search for the sugary liquid called nectar (花蜜). But their flight plans actually do have a pattern. Flowers act as the insects’ air-traffic controllers. And new research shows bees prefer flowers that aren’t too flashy.Flowers give bees clues about how much a plant can offer. Those clues can be in the color of petals, in the type, in the smell or even in the electrical charge. All of these characteristics send signals to the bees, telling them whether to land or not, among which the colors play the most significant role. The insects keep track of the 人们常说“十月怀胎”.精子与卵细胞在母体结合成受精卵的场所是______;胎儿在母体______内发育期间,所需的氧气和养料都是通过______从母体获得的.因此我们每个人都应铭记母亲的恩情,孝敬母亲.
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