
When you are eating dinner with your family, do your parents ever remind you to finish all the food on your plate? If so, you should know it’s not just because they want you to be healthy. They also want to stop food waste.Every year, 1.3 billion tons of food is wasted around the world, according to the UN. That’s about one-third of all food produced each year.We make a survey in 34 countries to see how much food is wasted in different countries.For example, the UAE(阿联酋) wastes the most food, with each person wasting about 1,000 kilos every year on average.However, some countries hav下列句子有语病的一项是 A.看到眼前的毕业照,小新不由想起三年来大家一起玩耍、同桌共读。 B.面对流感疫情,各级政府都及时采取防范措施,确保人民群众生命安全。 C.能正确选择毕业后的去向,是一个人走向成熟的标志。 D.不管鸟儿的翅膀多么完美,如不借助空气,鸟儿永远无法飞上蓝天。
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