
听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【1】Where does the conversation take place?A. Inside a car. B. In a parking lot. C. On the side of a street.【2】What did the man see the woman do in the car?A. Look out of the window. B. Answer her phone. C. Do her hair.【3】Why was the man angry?A. The woman damaged his car.B. The woman borrowed his car.C. The woman called the police.【4】How does the woman probably feel in the end?A. Worried. B. Relaxed. C. Surprised.下列对下图相关信息的解读分析,最准确的是A.物价下降与经济增长成正比B.1500一1600期间的物价上升加速了社会分化C.《权利法案》颁布后,物价迅速上升D.工业革命期间,物价保持稳定
英语 试题推荐