
Working out can help teenagers boost their grades, a new study suggests. Adolescents who routinely engaged in moderate to vigorous(剧烈的)exercise showed long-term improvements in their academic performance, the British Journal of Sports Medicine study reported.“Our study suggests that the effect of physical activity may be quite large,” John Reilly, a professor at the University of Strathclyde said. The researchers looked at a sample of about 5000 children who were involved in a long-term study that tracks children born in the U.K. between 1991 and 1992. When children reached 11 ye甲、乙两种固体的溶解度曲线如图一所示,t2℃时,100 克水中加入 60 克硝酸钾,充分搅拌,直到固体完全消失,然后按图二进行实验,分别采用不同方法(每种方法只改变一个量),得到三个恰好饱和的溶液,且溶液质量依次减小。(1)t1℃时,溶解度大小关系为:甲_____乙(填“>”或“<”或“=”)。(2)t2℃时,配制 180 克甲物质的饱和溶液,需称量甲的质量_____g。(3)由图二推测硝酸钾是图一中的_____物质(填“甲”或“乙”)。(4)图二中“某一步操作”得到 E 杯中溶液的操作是_____。(5)图二中得到的 C、D、E 杯溶液中质量分数大小关系是_____(用“>或<或=”表示)。(6)图二中“某一步操作”得到D 杯溶液前后的溶液状态变化过程可以在图一中表示为_____(填字母序号)。A b 点→a 点 B c 点→a 点 C b 点→c 点 D c 点→d 点
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