
阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。It was somewhere between spring and summer,my mom and I were driving through the countryside.Back then,I was 13 years old,and always felt unhappy with Morn.But little did I know that this trip was going to be a special one.A pot of flowers sat in the back seat,whose heavenly scent filled the car.Suddenly,in the middle of nowhere,my mom pulled over.“What are you doing?”I cried,fearing that the car had broken down and we’d be stuck there,so far from home.But that wasn’t t1814年11月29日,正当《泰晤士报》的手工印刷工人准备工作时,社长竟向他们出示了一份印好的报纸,并骄傲地对工人们说:“本期报纸在一个小时内就印刷完毕,这是印刷术发明以来的最大成就。”四位同学对这则材料发表了如下的意见甲说:这不可能,活字印刷术在19世纪还没有传人西方呢。乙说:这太夸张了,不可能在这么短时间内印好报纸。丙说:这是可能的,工业革命使机器生产的效率明显优于传统手工方式。丁说:我也认为是真实的,因为我听说这则材料来自于一位学者的著作。哪一位同学的意见最为合理 [     ]A.甲B.乙C.丙D.丁
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