
阅读下面的文言文,完成各题。刘馥字元颖,沛国相人也。建安初,说袁术将戚寄、秦翊,使率众与俱诣太祖。太祖悦之,司徒辟为掾。后孙策所置庐江太守李述攻杀扬州刺史严象,庐江梅乾、雷绪等聚众数万在江、淮间,郡县残破。太祖方有袁绍之难,谓馥可任以东南之事,遂表为扬州刺史。馥既受命,单马造合肥,建立州治,南怀乾、绪。数年中恩化大行,百姓乐其政,流民越江山而归者以万数。于是聚诸生立学校广屯田兴治茹陂及吴塘以溉稻田Sandy and her friends are at Mr Wu's home now. They are talking about Sandy's writing. Complete their conversation. Mr Wu: Congratulations, Sandy. You did well in the writing competition. Sandy: Thank you, Mr Wu. Mr Wu: When (1) ________ you________ (get) the prize? Sandy: At MM School at 2.00 p.m. next Saturday. (2) ________ you _________ (come), Mr Wu? Mr Wu: Of course. Mrs Liang is going (3) ________ (tell) the whole school about it at assembly tomorrow. She wants others to learn from you. Millie: Yes. We (4) ________ (learn) from Sandy. I'm (5) ________ (write) more starting from today. Amy: What's your story about? Sandy: It's a true story. It's about a shopkeeper called Mr Wang. He was a (6) ________  (policeman) before. Three men came into his shop. They pointed a knife at a girl and robbed money from his shop. Then they ran away. It's just at that time that Mr Wang knew that the girl was with them. She got into their (7) ________and went away. Simon: It sounds interesting. I really want to read it. Mr Wu: Then I must tell you that we're (8) ________ (post) Sandy's writing in the hall for a week. You (9) ________ (have) a chance to look at it.
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