
选用方框中所给动词的适当形式填空。 be have pass enjoy row designbe have pass enjoy row design 【1】We often_________ a boat on the lake when we were in the small town.【2】I think the twins ___________ their model plan in the room at the moment..【3】I called you ,but nobody answered .Where _________ you?【4】.The Greens __________________ a picnic if it is fine this Sunday, aren’t they?【5】Amy __________ a net bar called Red Star on her way to school every day.【6】Each of the girls ________ listening to music in my class.选出下列字音有误的一项:(  ) A.一哄(hòng)而散   哄(hōng)堂大笑    牵强(qiǎng)附会  B.强(qiáng)弩之末  称(chèng)心如意   称(chēng)兄道弟     C.引吭(háng)高歌   一声不吭(kēng)    忍俊不禁(jīn)    D.禁(jìn)网疏阔    差(chā)强人意     参差(cī)不齐
英语 试题推荐