
What Your Nose KnowsYour sense of smell enriches your experience of the world around you. Different scents can change your mood or transport you back to a distant memory. Your ability to smell also plays a key role in your health. 【1】The things we smell are actually the tiny molecules(分子) released by substances all around us. When we breathe in these molecules, they stimulate specialized sensory cells high inside the nose. 【2】 But a given molecule can stimulate a combination of these receptors, creating a unique representation in the brain. We perceive that representation as a smel近年来,我国在科技方面创新发展。(1)“上天”—2018年,我国航天航空事业进入了新时代。①硅是天宫一号动力源太阳能电池的主要构成材料。单质硅是由石英(SiO2)与碳在高温条件下反应制得,同时生成一种可燃性气体,该反应的化学方程式为____。②太阳能电池实现了将____转化为电能。(2)“入海”—2017年,航母下水,开拓中国新蓝海。①航母舰体材料为合金钢,由生铁炼钢时,硅(Si) 与氧化亚铁在高温条件下反应生成二氧化硅和铁,该反应的化学方程式为_____。②国产航母使用的“超级钢”具有极佳的抗压性和焊接性,合金钢是_____(填标号)。A 有机合成材料B 金属材料C 无机非金属材料③航母升降机可由铝合金制造,用石墨作电极在高温条件下电解熔融氧化铝,在阴极和阳极区分别得到Al和O2,阳极区使用的石墨易消耗的原因是______。④航母螺旋浆可由铜合金制造,铜合金比铜的硬度______(填“大”或“小”),铜比铁在海水中耐腐蚀的原因是______。
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