
阅读理解 Therehave been a number of occasions through the years that I had to sit at the feetof a theologian (神学家).Some ofthose times, I came away wondering what on earth the man was talking about.That was not the case when I heard Dr. Randy Harris. He suggested that a lot ofour day-to-day problems in the world be solved by simply keeping our promises.Too many people do not take such matters seriously. Are you serious in keepingyour promises? Someof my most anxious moments in over a half-century of ministry have come as aresult of carelessness in failing to keep my word. Preachers (阅读下面的材料,完成题目。(6分)张清是华南理工大学建筑学院2010级的学生,为实现“远行”的梦想,大学期间,他一直靠打工赚钱,除了支付学费和生活费外,还点滴积累旅游资金。终于在2012年的暑假,他以不足1.5万元的费用独自完成了长达32天的欧洲之旅。在完全陌生的旅途中,他走到哪里,就在哪里交朋友。32天中,他总共搭了41次长途便车,在新结识的朋友家中借宿29天。现在,他又在为实现美洲之旅而策划着呢!蒙城一中学生会拟邀请张清与同学们座谈,请根据上述材料,按要求将下面的海报补写完整。海 报张清,一位普通的大学生,他带着梦想出发, ① (不超过10个字) ,独自完成了这趟令人羡慕、不可思议的“梦想之旅”。他的旅途充满考验,②(不超过10个字) ,人地生疏。  ③(使用一种修辞手法)  就让我们在交谈中找寻答案吧!时间:10月10日19:00地点:小礼堂蒙城一中学生会2013年10月8日
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