
Lawrence S. Bacow12:46 PMTo: campus-notify-all @ harvard. Edu >Testing Positive for COVID-19Dear Members of the Harvard Community,Earlier today, Adele and I learned that we tested positive for COVID-19. We started experiencing symptoms (症状) on Sunday — first coughs then fevers, chills, and muscle aches — and went to see our doctors on Monday. We were tested yesterday and just received the results a few minutes ago. We wanted to share this news with all of you as soon as possible.Neither of us knows how we contracted ( 感 染 ) the virus, but it is good news that we met fewer people某学校的电度表允许通过的最大电流强度是10安,学校里已装了40瓦的电灯20盏60瓦的电灯10盏,若还想装些电灯,问至少可以装40瓦的电灯多少盏?
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