
阅读理解In the book I've been reading lately, “On Living” by Kerry Egan, she shares so many powerful stories ? each story a parting gift from a hospice (救济院) patient who never knew when a newly arriving might be their last.What a profound (深刻的) way to live! In a sense, I guess we all live that way, each and every day. But as I read this book, I get the feeling that only hospice patients really know this. Sometimes I realize it, like when I am faced with a choice to work more to earn more money or to go to spend the day with a loved one and earn no money. On the one hand, mo有一种干粉灭火器利用压缩的二氧化碳吹出干粉(主要成分是磷酸二氢铵),根据如图回答下列问题。(1)图中所标物质中属于合成材料的是_____ (写一种)。(2)干粉灭火器灭火的原理是_____。(3)在钢瓶的表面涂油漆的作用是_____;废铁除铁锈后再利用,工业用盐酸除铁锈的化学方程式是_____。(4)灭火器中磷酸二氢铵(NH4H2PO4)可作_____(填字母)来使用。A 氮肥 B 磷肥 C 钾肥 D 复合肥(5)对废旧金属回收利用的目的是_____。
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