
依次填入下面文段横线上的汉字,全都正确的一项是( )古人对于“小”有着极为清醒与智慧的认识,认为“小”是“大”的起 ① ,祸患常由轻微细小所引发,若任由萌芽状的小事逐步发展成大事,事情往往就会变得棘手以 ② 难以挽回。所以刘备在临终时谆谆告 ③ 其子:“勿以恶小而为之,勿以善小而不为。”A.①原 ②至 ③戒 B.①源 ②致 ③戒C.①原 ②致 ③诫 D.①源 ②至 ③诫 ——My neighbor had a party and the noise kept me awake all night. I finally had to call the police. ——I _____the same thing. They shouldn’t be allowed to disturb people like that.   A. will do                      B. would do                C. could have done D. would have done
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