
Steve and Mark were good friends. They decided to spend their vacation in Haiti. Since they _______ no French, they took a French word book with them and hoped it would help them in difficult situations.The flight was _______, and the hotel was very comfortable. Each day after breakfast, Steve and Mark _______ a picnic lunch and dinner and went off to visit interesting places. After a while, the boys became _______ of eating picnic meals and decided to eat a big fish dinner in a good restaurant. Unfortunately, they _______ their word book in the hotel.They _______ the menu carefully. After ten阅读下面的文字,完成小题。阮郎归绍兴乙卯大雪行鄱阳道中①向子湮②江南江北雪漫漫。遥知易水寒。同③云深处望三关。断肠山又山。天可老,海能翻。消除此恨难。频闻遣使问平安。几时鸾辂还。(注)①公元1127年“靖康之变”,宋徽宗、宋钦宗二帝被金兵掳去,中原丧失,至今已近十年。②向子湮,南宋初年主战派大臣之一。③同:通“彤”。【1】下列对本词的理解与赏析,不恰当的一项是( )A. 上片前两句写景,有虚有实。前一句写大江南北风雪迷漫,这是词人想象北方之景,是虚写;“易水寒”为词人路上所见眼前之景,是实写。B. 上片后两句写远望中原的情形。词人在阴云密布的天空下遥望“三关”,只见群山连绵不断,可是见不到国都汴京和中原父老,令人肝肠寸断!C. 下片前三句运用反衬的手法。“消除此恨难”的“难”字,与前面的“可”字“能”字对应,天老、海翻之可能,倍加反衬出消除此恨之不可能。D. 下片后两句,“鸾辂”本指帝王所乘的车驾,这里代指被掳到异域的徽、钦二帝,词人多次听说朝廷派遣使者问候他们,只是不知二帝何时归来。【2】这首词表达了词人怎样的思想情感?请简要分析。
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